This photograph was presented to the Museum by George Short's sister (Mrs Mary Buchanan) and brother (Mr William Short).
George Short (front row, second from right) died from wounds on 11 February 1943, near Medjez-el-Bab during Operation Torch. The family were from Scremerston, Berwick upon Tweed.
John Lewis said:
I have this photo with all of them identified, they are as follows,left to right (Back) Pte.Guest.Pte.Gwatkin.Pte.Hughes.Pte.Crossland. L./Cpl.Douglas-Kerr. Pte.Burridge.Pte.Whittingham.Pte.Davis.Pte.Duffy. Left to right (2nd Row)Pte.Turner.Pte.Martin.Cpl.Peters.Pte.Jeffs.Pte.Mayers.Pte.M Walker.Pte.Miller.Pte.Stockbridge.Pte.F Garlick. Left to Right(3rd Row)Cpl.Evans.Cpl.Geekie.Sgt.Howells.Lt.Hibbert.Lt.Jessop.Sgt.Rannie.Sgt.Geall.Sgt.Benton.Cpl.Collet. Left to Right (sitting)Pte.Manser.L./Cpl.Pullen.Pte.Benford.Pte.Silbery.Pte.Short.Pte.Drew.
Paul Meiboom said:
Full name list from Reg Curtis's book "Churchill's Volunteer":
Back row (l-to-r): Pte's Guest, Gwatkin, Hughes, Crossland, Lcpl Douglas-Kerr, Pte's Burridge, Whittingham, Davis, Duffy.
2nd row: Pte's Turner, Martin, Cpl Peters, Pte's Jeffs, Mayers, Walker, Miller, Stockbridge, Garlick.
3rd row: Cpl's Evans, Geekie, Sgt Howels, Lt's Hibbert and Jessop, Sgt's Rannie, Geall, Benton, Cpl Collet.
Front row (sitting): Pte Manser, Lcpl Pullen, Pte's Benford, Silberry, Short, Drew.
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George Short (front row, second from right) died from wounds on 11 February 1943, near Medjez-el-Bab during Operation Torch. The family were from Scremerston, Berwick upon Tweed.
Back row (l-to-r): Pte's Guest, Gwatkin, Hughes, Crossland, Lcpl Douglas-Kerr, Pte's Burridge, Whittingham, Davis, Duffy.
2nd row: Pte's Turner, Martin, Cpl Peters, Pte's Jeffs, Mayers, Walker, Miller, Stockbridge, Garlick.
3rd row: Cpl's Evans, Geekie, Sgt Howels, Lt's Hibbert and Jessop, Sgt's Rannie, Geall, Benton, Cpl Collet.
Front row (sitting): Pte Manser, Lcpl Pullen, Pte's Benford, Silberry, Short, Drew.
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