Captain Henry K Dodwell

{ Kim }

16 Dec 1924 -

Henry K Dodwell, known as 'Kim' volunteered for the airborne forces from The Green Howards in March 1943. 

He was parachute jump trained at RAF Ringway on Course 89 in October 1943. His instructor noted this about Kim's performance:

"Intelligent, very keen and hard working. 'A+' first class parachutist"  He was at first posted to 12th Para Bn before becoming a member of the 22nd Independent Parachute Company. 

He jumped into Normandy with the Company from an Albemarle of 297 Squadron (P1383). He was third in Captain Ian Tait's stick, which was assigned to DZ N near Ranville. On June 9, serving as infantry in Normandy, Kim witnessed the death of his stick commander Tait, on a patrol into Breville in which Private Gillum and Sergeant Scoging also died. With three killed out of ten, Kim's stick turned out to the deadliest of the 22nd. 

Kim went on to serve in India after the war. 

For more detail please read his personal account of his experiences in Normandy and his letter/biography sent to Airborne Assault. 

Kim Dodwell

Article written by Ben Hill

With additional editing from Alex Walker 28.05.2024 

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