Brigadier Nigel Poett DSO

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Brigadier Poett qualified as a military parachutist on Course 73 which ran at RAF Ringway from 19 to 28 July 1943. The course instructors' notes record ‘Brigadier Poett entered enthusiastically into every part of the training, disclaiming any privileges or concessions. In spite of cartilage trouble in the left knee, which occasioned some awkwardness, he steadily improved, and overcame tendency to part feet on landings. He completed the course in 9 days, with two extra water jumps, and displayed obvious enjoyment and appreciation of the instruction given by Sgt. Wodin. Completed 2 Day Balloon, 1 Night Balloon, 5 Aircraft (and 2 water jumps).’

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Group photos_4

  • Commanders of the 6th Airborne Division with Russian Generals, Wismar 1945

    Commanders of the 6th Airborne Division with Russian Generals, Wismar 1945

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  • Senior officers of 6th Airborne Division with Field Marshal Montgomery, Ardennes, January 1945.

    Senior officers of 6th Airborne Division with Field Marshal Montgomery, Ardennes, January 1945.

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  • Group photograph of officers decorated by Field Marshal Montgomery, Lüneburg Heath Germany, 1945.

    Group photograph of officers decorated by Field Marshal Montgomery, Lüneburg Heath Germany, 1945.

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