Major Malcolm Simpson MBE QCB

{ Mal }

29 Sep 1942 - 20 Aug 2024

  • MBE medal
  • Queen's Commendation for Brave Conduct medal
  • General Service Medal Clasp (1962 onwards) medal
  • South Atlantic Medal with Rosette

Malcolm 'Mal' Simpson was the RSM of 2 PARA during the Falklands War in 1982. He saw action in the battle for Goose Green. 

In 1964 Mal was awarded his QCB in April 1964. He held the rank of LCpl at this time. Mal was a Late Entry officer and became moved from the rank of WO1 to Lt on 8 August 1983. Then became a Captain 1 June 1984. Mal retired to the Reserves 1 August 1989. Then from from reserves on 23 September 2003. 



Created with information and imagery kindly donated by R Hilton. Further information sourced from The London Gazette and Airborne Assault Archives. 

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OS Malcolm Simpson memorial service parade 1 October 1982

Group photos_1

  • Mal Simpson at Memorial service parade. 1 Oct 1982

    Mal Simpson at Memorial service parade. 1 Oct 1982

    1 Image

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