Major Alan Bush Escape Report Transcript




160544. Major. Alan BUSH. 3 Para Bn, 1st Para Brigade.

Captured: N.E. of OOSTERBEEK, 20 Sep 44.            Escaped: N.E. of OOSTERBEEK

                                                                                                                        20 Sep 44.Left: BRUSSELS, 28 Sep 44.                                       Arrived: Nr BARKSTON HEATH,

                                                                                                                        28 Sep 44.

Date of Birth: 18 Jul 14.                                              Peacetime Profession: Schoolmaster.

Army Service: Since Apr 40.                           Private Address: Dale End, KENDAL,



All map references are N.W. EUROPE 1:250,000, Sheet 2A and 3A.


17 Sep 44.

I was dropped by parachute on 17 Sep 44 about seven miles West of ARNHEM.

19 Sep 44.

On the morning of 19 Sep my Battalion was involved in severe fighting and badly mauled. My Commanding Officer was missing, and on going to look for him I became detached from the remnants of the Battalion.


The next thing I remember was that I was in the Divisional Artillery Regimental Aid Post at OOSTERBEEK (E 67). I was not wounded, but was sick every time I tried to stand up.

20 Sep 44.

On the morning of 20 Sep at about 0800 hrs I found I could walk about, and tried to rejoin the remnants of my Battalion, heading towards ARNHEM. I was advised by the personnel of the Regimental Aid Post to take a road N.E. of OOSTERBEEK.

Captured by Germans.

I did not get very far, because of infiltrating German infantry, and at about 1500 hrs I walked straight into six German soldiers.

They removed my equipment, examined my pockets without removing anything, and made me sit down to one side. I formed the impression that they were waiting to be relieved by another section, into whose charge they would place me.


After about half an hour, aircraft bringing in our re-supply arrived over the area. There was a great deal of flak and noise, and the Germans stood looking into the sky at the parachutes which were dropping and at one or two planes which were on fire. I saw my opportunity, calmly picked up my equipment, and ran to a very thick bush about 20 yards away and lay underneath it. When the Germans saw I was missing they rushed about in all directions, but did not find me. They were then relieved by another section of men, who did not bother any further. I waited until dark and decided to make my way back towards OOSTERBEEK.

21 Sep 44. Joined British Patrol.

At dawn I was about half a mile from the church and about 30 yards from two enemy self-propelled guns, which were firing at the church buildings. The guns were accompanied by about 50 infantry, so I had to lie low. During the morning I saw one of our own patrols coming towards the guns, and managed to tack myself on to the patrol and get back to the church. The patrol did not even notice that I had joined it. The remnants of my Battalion arrived at the church about two hours later.

25-26 Sep 44, Evacuated.

I was evacuated with the Division on the night of 25-26 Sep.

INTERVIEWED BY: I.S.9 (W). 11 Jan 45.

Information kindly supplied by R Hilton

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