Private Frank Parkin

25 Sep 1944

Pte Frank Parkin served with C Company, 156 Battalion at Arnhem during Op Market Garden. He jumped in during the Second Drop on 18th Sept 1944.

Under the command of Brig Hackett, he fought his way into the 'Oosterbeek perimeter' under the command of Brigadier Hackett by way of "Hackett's Hollow". Over the following days he he was engaged in the defence on Paul Krugerstratt at the north-eastern area of the perimeter.

Pte Parkin was killed by a gunshot to the head by a sniper on the 25th Sept 1944, whilst attempting to cross the road through a gap in the hedgerow. He was 20 years old.

He was initially buried in the backgarden of No. 25, Paul Krugerstraat, before being officially reburied at Oosterbeek War Cemetery, Arnhem.


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